Scary Movie/s

rebelm2I was reading an online article about Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon films, and the films co-writer (yes, shock, the films had a script and, yes, this guy’s owning up to his part in it) Kurt Johnstad reveals that the directors cuts of  “both movie one and movie two will be released on the same day and the same time. So…. you can sit down and for six hours have a non-interrupted experience of Zack Snyder.”

Two things: six hours of  Snyder sounds pretty scary… and also, isn’t it telling that his name has become a thing, an experience? You don’t hear anyone say anything along the lines of “six hours of ‘James Cameron’ or ‘Ridley Scott’ ”  as if that were a ‘thing’. Mind, the article also states that the new cuts, averaging three hours each, are rated R for… “brutal bloody violence and gore, sexual content, nudity and language” and I don’t remember much of that from the two films I’ve seen, they rather sound like completely different movies, and who knows, maybe they are (I’m waiting for some press release claiming they are the ‘real Rebel Moon‘ or that these are ‘the real Zack Snyder experience’.

I doubt buckets of blood, gore and nudity could ‘fix’ them for anyone but the rabid Snyder fanbase. It has rather made me wonder, as the films are obviously Star Wars knock-offs, or at least have been claimed originated as treatments for a Star Wars film,  the idea of the Star Wars films we know and love having alternate cuts… As if that would be a thing in some alternate universe. You know, the child-friendly 1977 film released in cinemas as we knew them, and then Lucas putting out a more violent, sexy, gory version on VHS. Mind, following that kind of logic, imagine Alien being released back in 1979 in some kiddie-friendly version with a sanitised chestburster scene (or maybe an alternate, ‘safer’ sequence when the alien pops out some other way -suggestions on a postcard please) and then releasing the proper more graphic version on VHS.  Thank goodness all this alternate cuts madness wasn’t a thing back in the day, but yeah, imagine a world in which those Star Wars Special Editions back in 1997 were less about CGI visual effects and more about making the films more… adult, more Zack Snyder. Scary. Just look at these Rebel Moon films….

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